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I am U Thriving Recap

A picture of a Black man and woman, together holding a hand-written white board that says

I am U thriving was hosted by the Student Development and inclusion office with the support of student volunteers from the School of Social and Cultural Transformation and UMC, February 8th, 2023.

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Legislative Session Reminder

Student Affairs logo with a black circle around it.

As the Utah Legislature’s 2023 General Session has convened, please take a moment to review the university's policies regarding political activity.

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Adapting to Student Needs Updates

Introducing a new section of the Student Affairs Newsletter and recurring blog posts that will include updates on Adapting to Student Needs, the strategic plan for Student Affairs.

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Network Support Changes

Student Affairs logo with black circle around it.

Learn how the department update will impact you.

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Last Updated: 12/20/24