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Previous Fellow Experiences

Jose Morales Diaz 

Mele Folaumoeloa

Loan Processor for Citywide Home Loans 

The NUFP Program is exceptional. I was introduced to the program by a friend and I was hooked. While a NUFP fellow I was exposed to learning new skills. My Top three skills I obtained was the skill to present a profession presentation. I was taught to enhance my social skill, becoming a people person to a variety of communities and spaces and last was critical thinking.

The skills I obtained from this experience has provide success in my current profession. I am working with people everyday. I am here to guide them through the difficult process of buying a house. I am to learn how to speak, and build rapport. Being a people person, has an effect on my customers, therefore, bringing more customers that are interested.

I miss being able to go to the Conferences and witness all of other NUFP fellows share their experiences.. Meeting new people is what I miss the most and networking."

Students should take advantage of this program because you will learn skills that are not found in the ordinary classrooms. You are out in the real world networking, building your skills with presentations,and forums and making friends that last a lifetime. Please don't give this chance up.

Emilio Camu

Beacon Scholars Program Advisor
Office of Engagement
University of Utah 

I am so grateful for the experience to be mentored by Kathryn Kay Coquemont. Through her mentorship and through NUFP, I was able to slow down long enough to realize that student affairs was a field in which I wanted to pursue a career.

Jose Hernandez Zamudio

Step2TheU Associate Instructor & Director
Office of Undergraduate Studies
University of Utah

My NUFP experience was a great learning opportunity, where I had the privilege of meeting professionals in student affairs. One of the things I enjoyed greatly was the mentorship NUFP cultivated, from your NUFP mentor to getting to know other students who are interested in student affairs. NUFP also helped me tremendously with developing me professionally. For example, going to regional and national conferences. Lastly, the lifelong relationships NUFP help start.

Alonso Reyna Rivarola

Dream Program Coordinator
Office of Engagement
University of Utah

One of the highlights of my undergraduate experience was NUFP. As a NUFP Fellow, I remember connecting with other students and student affairs professionals at the University of Utah who are equally passionate about working with and for students. One of the most memorable experiences for me in NUFP was our road trip to Portland, Oregon for the NASPA Regional Conference. In this road trip, the other NUFP fellows and my mentor, Dr. Stacy Ackerlind, had an opportunity to share space for 12 plus hours and learn from one another, share experiences, and connect in our passion for serving historically marginalized student populations. Thank you NUFP and NASPA for providing students with this wonderful opportunity!

Mikaela Mokofisi

First Year Experience Advisor
Salt Lake Community College 

I owe much of my professional advancement and purpose in the Student Affairs career to my involvement with NUFP. Through NUFP I learned how to NETWORK, LISTEN and LEARN this field and its value and importance. The connections and relationships I built through my involvement with NUFP has directly helped me in each professional move I have made, and has lead me to where I am at today. NUFP helped me hone a passion and purpose in social justice education; working with, leading, understanding and serving students and the communities I value and of which I am a part of. NUFP and its folks involved helped me in my development and awareness of a more critical lens toward educational opportunity and recognizing the larger context and role that higher education plays in the foundation of strengthening our democracy, allowing me to feel empowered and energized in a career field where I can continue to do this good work in positive education reform.

Last Updated: 5/13/21