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Open House for New Director for Financial Wellness Center

New Director for Financial Wellness CenterStudent Affairs is excited to welcome Gabrielle McAllaster, Ph.D. as the new director of the Financial Wellness Center.

In her role as the director of the Financial Wellness Center, McAllaster will lead a team of full-time staff and peer mentors, charged with the mission of supporting students, staff, and faculty on their financial wellness and literacy journeys. Additionally, McAllaster will foster existing partnerships and develop new relationships within the community within the community as university resource and representative.

McAllaster earned her bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's in higher education and student affairs leadership from the University of Northern Colorado. Furthermore, she achieved her Ph.D. in Education with a specialization in higher education from Rowan University. McAllaster's professional background includes various roles within higher education institutions, including serving as a doctoral graduate fellow in the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Rowan University.

“I am excited for Gabby’s contribution to the great work already being done by the Financial Wellness Center,” said Dr. Bryan Hubain, associate vice president for Student Development and Inclusion.  “Gabby’s background and expertise will allow us to view financial wellness and literacy in more complex ways that can achieve the President’s mission of student success.”

McAllaster strongly hold the belief that financial well-being is a fundamental component of overall well-being. She is commitment to supporting each of our students on their unique financial journeys, helping them navigate the path to financial wellness.

“As a scholar-practitioner, my dedication to social justice informs everything I do, and I am excited to bring a wealth of current and critical perspectives to the realm of financial literacy, education, and wellness,” said McAllaster.

The Financial Wellness Center invites all students, faculty, and staff to meet their new director at the Open House event on November 8, from 3-5 p.m., at the Union Building Room 317. Attendees can enjoy free food, prizes, and fun activities.

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Last Updated: 12/20/24