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Harm Reduction Week Starts March 20th

Graphic says "Center for Student Wellness. What does Harm Reduction mean to you? #myharmreduction"

Have you ever had a friend facing a hard situation without a perfect solution and wondered – how can I help them? I don’t know what to do! [Harm Reduction enters the chat.] You might want to try out a community-based and public health practice called “harm reduction.”

Harm reduction is a go-to tool to help support someone in ways that are relevant, effective, and compassionate. Harm reduction is putting on sunscreen before hiking on a hot summer day; harm reduction is putting on your seatbelt before leaving the driveway; harm reduction is calling a friend to drive you home after a party instead of driving home with alcohol in your system.

This Harm Reduction Week 2023, we want to know – what does harm reduction mean to you? Starting March 20th, we are encouraging campus to explore this question and claim #MyHarmReduction.

Beyond the individual level, harm reduction is also an impactful tool in community care.

The Center for Student Wellness hopes to emphasize to our campus community how important it is to challenge harmful stigmas about drug use and show up for one another in community with compassion and acceptance – all while encouraging folx to reduce harm and take care of themselves and one another.

We are so excited for all that will be coming this week. Join us for a week of community care, free HIV/STI testing, and a harm reduction fair to explore what harm reduction means to you! We hope to see you there.

Graphic says "Events: Safe(r) Party Kit Building: Register for an afternoon of volunteering and discussion of the liberatory origins of harm reduction, Monday, March 20th, 1pm to 3pm, Bennion Center. HIV Testing Clinic. Grab a friend and get tested for HIV! Testing is free, easy, fast, and noninvasive, Tuesday, March 21st, 11AM to 1PM, Women's Resource Center. Harm Reduction Fair: Drop by to learn about harm reduction from student groups and community organizations and to pick up some free harm reduction supplies! Tuesday, March 21st: 1PM to 3PM, Union Lobby. STI Testing Clinic: Grab a friend and get tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia! Testing is free, easy, fast, and noninvasive. Thursday, March 23rd: 12pm to 2pm, Union West Ballroom. #Myharmreduction"

More information will be posted about harm reduction and each event online through our Instagram account. Follow along to learn more and stay connected!

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Last Updated: 12/20/24