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Mental Health First Aid Trainings

We are excited to share some upcoming Mental Health First Aid training dates this summer for staff, faculty, and students! Our office (now the Center for Campus Wellness!) offers this course to the campus with the support of other instructors across campus. MHFA is now approved as a WellU credit.mental health first aid training summer 2023

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) certification is available to any campus community member (staff, faculty, or student) at no cost for participants thanks to the Huntsman Mental Health Initiative. MHFA is an evidence-based certification training that helps build the skills, empathy, and confidence to support others who may be experiencing a mental health issue.

Learn more about MHFA Here 

This certification course is delivered in a blended format that includes a 2 hour self-paced online pre-work module followed by 2x4 hour instructor-led sessions held either 100% virtually (via Zoom) or hybrid (Day 1 = virtual, Day 2 = in-person). Spots are limited so please only sign up if you plan to attend and have the capacity to complete the pre-work module. 

Summer Training Dates

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Last Updated: 12/20/24