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Healthy Relationships Month

Center for Student Wellness Healthy Relationships Month 2023 - February 1st to 28th

Would you ever call someone on the phone or meet up in person, just for fun? Maybe. Would you DM? More likely. Would you react to their post? Yeah, probably.

Today (like now, in 2023) we are privileged to have so many ways to reach out to those we care about. People on opposite sides of the world can see each other’s faces through video call, and messages can be sent and received almost simultaneously. Yet, despite these really neat advances, there still seems to be a disconnect within our relationships and community. As a matter of fact, at the beginning of 2021, the National College Health Assessment reported that 58% of University of Utah students feel lonely.

Connection is a lot more than just a Wi-Fi signal.

For the month of February, the Center for Student Wellness will be partnering with other offices on campus and hosting events all about how we can build, maintain, and thrive with supportive connections for Healthy Relationships Month. We want students to know they are loved, they are seen, and they are needed within our community.

Maintaining healthy connections in a relationship is easier than you might think. That’s not to say it doesn’t take work, it does, but there are so many ways to let people know you are there for them and you care. The theme for the month is #PiecesofConnection, reminding us that we all have a role to play within our friendships, partnerships, classes, clubs, and campus community.

Everyone at the Center for Student Wellness is so excited for all the activities planned this month, and we hope that you will join us for whatever you can! Many of these events will (of course) have food, as well as be fun ways to get out and make new friends. Our closing event for the month will be AWESOME (I am honestly so, so excited), so we hope you follow along. Our Instagram, @uofuwellness, is the best place for the latest information but below is a preview of everything to come this month.

Hope to see U there!

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Last Updated: 12/20/24