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Register for the 2024 NASPA Virtual Conference

At Student Affairs, we hold lifelong learning as a value and are committed to providing learning opportunities to develop and improve knowledge and skills needed to be successful. As a testament to this undertaking, Student Affairs has secured exclusive access, allowing NASPA member the opportunity to register for the 2024 NASPA Virtual Conference, scheduled for April 2-5, 2024, at no extra cost. 

Non-members have the option to register at a higher rate through the regular individual registration, available starting February 10, 2024. For more information on individual registration for the virtual conference, click here. 

The four-day virtual conference, hosted by NASPAan association dedicated to supporting a diverse network of student affairs professionals—is an interactive educational experience focused on both individual and team growth. The conference will feature various educational sessions, including extended learning workshops aligned with the Student Affairs Educator Certification domains. To enhance flexibility and learning opportunities, all sessions will be available on-demand for 365 days. 

All Student Affairs staff members are invited to take advantage of this special offer and secure their spot for the 2024 NASPA Virtual Conference before the deadlines. 

  1. Pre-registration deadline (existing members): February 9, 2024 
  2. Individual early registration deadline (non-members): March 1, 2024 
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Last Updated: 12/20/24