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Preparing for Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment (May 1 – May 31) is fast approaching! 

University Human Resources Management (UHRM) is asking the help of payroll reporters to spread the word to employees to ensure they are prepared. Here are the three main actions to take: 

  • Update your contact information in CIS. Open enrollment information will be sent to the address on file.  Targeted emails will be sent to employees’ university email address.
  • Finish your WellU requirements. All requirements must be completed by the end of June, however, it can take up to three months to have the activities reported. If employees wait and the activities are reported later than the middle of July, they may miss the discount until the completions are reported. There will be NO retroactive discounts. Requirements and WellU Activities can be found online
  • Assist employees that do not have access or skills with a computer. Many employees do not have a computer or have limited computer skills. It is important for departments to ensure all employees have the ability to make changes during open enrollment. Please begin working now to ensure your department has a plan in place to help any employees that may be in this situation during Open Enrollment.
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Last Updated: 12/20/24