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CPN Seal Of Prevention

A blue graphic that says

The CPN Seal of Prevention represents the highest standard for online prevention education, with a rigorous set of criteria to ensure we are making a measurable impact across the critical areas of sexual assault, alcohol and drug misuse, mental health, and diversity and inclusion.

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Healing Art Exhibit Winners

Healing Art Exhibit Winners

Congratulations to the top 3 cash prize winners of the Healing Art Exhibit.

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I am U Thriving Recap

A picture of a Black man and woman, together holding a hand-written white board that says

I am U thriving was hosted by the Student Development and inclusion office with the support of student volunteers from the School of Social and Cultural Transformation and UMC, February 8th, 2023.

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Elevate U of U Campus Health

Were you chosen to participate? to do: Check U-mail. Take the National College Health Assessment.

Take the National College Health Assessment and encourage others to do the same.

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Last Updated: 12/20/24