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HRE Upper-Division Housing Applications

The 2023-24 academic year housing applications open to upper-division students on November 1 in CIS. Housing & Residential Education (HRE) has a variety of spaces for students across campus. Housing is not guaranteed, so we encourage students to begin exploring their options now and apply by the deadline.  

Upper-Division Housing Application Timeline: 

  • November 1: Upper-division housing app opens in Housing U in CIS 
  • January 16: Traditional Housing and Living Learning Community (LLC) application deadline
  • February 6-10: Living Learning Community room selection
  • February 20-24: Traditional Housing room selection

Please note: All students who apply between November 1-January 16 will receive randomly assigned reservation times. Applications received on November 1 are not prioritized over those received on January 16.  

Visit our website,, to learn about the housing process, timeline, and how to apply. 

Off-Campus Housing 
To view options off campus around the Salt Lake City valley and beyond, students can visit to learn more about rental units, finding roommates, signing a lease, and more. 

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Last Updated: 12/20/24