FY23 Budget Awards
Based on feedback and requests from across Student Affairs, as well as feedback from
the SA Budget Committee, we collectively requested $1.5 million for FY23 to support
a variety of positions and initiatives. While having financial support for all of
these efforts would be ideal, our requests must be considered among all university
needs. We were fortunate to receive funding for rate increases for all Student Affairs
staff, including additional funding for equity increases for certain positions. Additionally,
we received nearly $500,000 for three areas of need that existed previously:
- $1 hourly increases for the Center for Childcare and Family Resources that were instituted for these front-line staff earlier this year to retain the staff members.
- Funding to cover a portion of a role in the Veterans Support Center which had been funded by a grant that expired the year before.
- Graduate career coaches that were previously funded by the Graduate School.
The Student Affairs leadership team is committed to continuing to advocate for our staff and students. This funding supports initiatives that were already underway and provides much-needed rate increases to recognize the hard work you all do on behalf of the U. Our new strategic plan will help us better maximize existing resources through innovation and collaboration and demonstrate our impact through data for compelling support for future requests.