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See you around, Todd!

headshot of Todd JustesenThis is Todd Justesen's last week with Housing and Residential Education (HRE), but he's not going too far away. After more than ten years with HRE, serving the last three as Director of Residential Education, Todd has accepted the job of Director of Clery Compliance with the University Safety Department.  Although we will miss his ever-welcoming smile, leadership and ability to get things done, we congratulate Todd on this new opportunity and know that he will be a significant asset to University Safety.

During Todd’s time in HRE, he has been a key player in creating important policies and procedures, especially in the area of conduct. He has seen us through a significant growth spurt since he first joined our team as we have nearly doubled the number of students living on campus, and he has collaborated with a variety of colleagues across campus to improve the student experience.

The University Safety Department is lucky to have Todd join them. I have always been impressed with his ability to stay calm in the face of significant challenges and respond to difficult situation professionally and steadily. He is a “cross the t's and dot the i’s” kind of person which will come in handy as he becomes more involved with Clery compliance for our campus.

My personal note to Todd:

Thanks for all the work you have done to get us where we are today. Your leadership through difficult times has been incredible. I know we will have opportunities to work together in the future and I look forward to those days also. Take care, and see you around, Todd!

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Last Updated: 12/20/24