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Sincerely, Lori: Navigating a new future for EDI and Student Affairs

Dear Student Affairs and EDI employees,

I’d like to acknowledge the important announcement made on April 19 by the University of Utah in response to HB 261.

Effective immediately, the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) centers—including the Black Cultural Center, American Indian Resource Center, Dream Center, and Center for Equity and Student Belonging—will be integrated into Student Affairs. Additionally, the EDI division will be eliminated on July 1.

I recognize that this transition raises many questions. While we do not have all the answers at this time, I have full confidence in our leadership's ability to find solutions that prioritize the well-being and success of our students, as well as our ability to support one another through this challenging time. Additional information will be released in the weeks ahead as we receive guidance from the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) in consultation with state lawmakers.

With several logistical details still being carefully considered, it's important to outline our current understanding. Under HB 261, student resource centers still will be able to pursue their core work of supporting students from historically marginalized groups as long as they make their services available to all students, which has always been true of these centers at the U.

Consequently, we may need to adjust the language used, including the names of student support offices, job titles, and descriptions, among other aspects. These adjustments will reinforce our message that our student support services are available to all students. Our goal of student success—building community, learning from each other, and providing support—remains the same. Our services focus on both individual student growth and development, as well as the health and well-being of the student body collectively.

It is important to recognize that change can be unsettling and emotional, especially when it involves matters that are close to the heart. Your feelings are human--they reflect your deep passion and dedication to our students. Your commitment to their well-being and success is evident, and it's natural to feel invested in our ability to support them effectively.

To that end, we will make time and space for community building and opportunities to share input among our existing and new staff.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time of transition.



Lori McDonald, PhD,

Vice President for Student Affairs

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Last Updated: 4/22/24