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Liaison Resources

This page is prepared to provide resources to you !

Please select the category of resources that you want to access:


General Assessment Process Model (GAPM)

Data Analysis Process Model (DAPM)

Assessment Literature

Qualtrics is the main tool that our division uses to assest and collect data from.We offer training sessions and materials so you can work on assessment projects in the best way and take advantage of all the benefits that this product has.

 Qualtrics Logo


Handouts & Tutorials Request qualtrics user access 


We also offer the following services:

Training for your office

we offer text text texttext texttext texttext text text text

text texttext text text texttext texttext text

request qualtrics training

Projects Review

Review and provide feedback to the main surveys/forms that your office utilize

request feedback to your survey






Resource 1 Name and link

Resource 1 Name and link

Resource 1 Name and link




Last Updated: 2/24/23