SCC Secret Musician
Guess the Secret Musician!
The Social Connections Committee is hosting the Secret Musician series. Get ready to get to know your student affairs team while putting your detective skills to the test!
How well do you know your student affairs team, and do you have what it takes to figure out who the secret musicians are? Here's how it works:
- Each Monday, audio of a new anonymous student affairs staff member will be posted on this website.
- Throughout the week, by clues about their hidden identity will be shared here to help with your detective work.
- When you think you know the musician, submit your guess to by each Friday at 12 p.m. (MT) with:
- Name
- Your guess
- Each person is only allowed one submission per musician and if you are correct, that will be your entry into the drawing to win some sweet prizes.
Sign up to receive email alerts when new clues are posted.
You won’t want to miss out on those clues! If you guess correctly, you will be entered into a drawing to win some fun prizes!
Week 4
Clue #1: "My favorite thing about my career is the possibility of making a meaningful impact on others. If I could do anything for a day, it would be in nature, in the mountains, and be with my dog. Hugh Jackman would play me in a movie. The last book I read was “A Short Guide to Stata-Statistical Inquiry Guide 15!"
Clue #2: "My hobbies are singing, playing the guitar, hiking, and playing sports. The best gift I have been given was my grandpa’s military honors medal. Aside from necessities, I could not go one day without coffee."
Clue #3:
Week 3
Clue #1: "I most relate to any dog of a high-energy nature. I used to be vegan, and I would do it again. I love to read murder mysteries, but the last book I read was The Art of Relaxing."
Clue #2: "Even though I love mild rollercoasters and hate the scary ones, I used to volunteer for the Disney half-marathons in Anaheim which kept me awake for 24 hours straight. I love to collect National Park Junior Ranger badges and patches after completing the Junior Ranger Programs."
Clue #3:
Week 2
Clue #1: "I am allegedly related to King David with moderate certainty. I have lasted up to 50 consecutive hours awake for a job interview. On a deserted island, I would want to be stranded with Survivorman Les Stroud."
Clue #2: "As an introvert, I collect shells and rocks. I hope that buckskin fringe jackets come back into fashion one day. And in a movie about my life, I would want Elijah Wood to play me."
Clue #3:
Week 1
Clue #1: "I am an extrovert who collects pillbox hats. My first job was working on a suction toothbrush kit assembly line for hospitals. In a movie about my life, Rebel Wilson would play the lead character as myself."
Clue #2: "My favorite family recipe is the Sweet Potato Soufflé and the most interesting thing I can see out of my office is the beautiful weather. If I were to join a music group, I would join the Spice Girls."
Clue #3: